“April in Paris” – The Award-Winning Rose You Must Experience

If you're looking for a beautiful hybrid tea rose to add to your garden, one of my favorites is "April in Paris". Watch and see why.

April in Paris hybrid tea rose

Experience The “April In Paris” Hybrid Tea Rose In This Video

If you’re looking for a beautiful hybrid tea rose to add to your garden, one of my favorites is the April in Paris rose from Jackson & Perkins.

This short video introduces you to this sweet-scented, romantic tea rose that was named a Rose of the Year® winner in 2008, and is still going strong today.

A truly romantic rose, “April in Paris” has classic seashell-like buds that slowly unfurl into blossoms of pale pink edged in a darker, solid pink. With their heavy petal count, they last a long time in a vase. But that’s not the best part.

Those who love the scent of a fresh cut rose already know that pink roses are generally the most heavily scented varieties.

The April in Paris rose doesn’t disappoint. It has an intense, perfumed tea rose scent that will fill the room with rosy fragrance.

This exclusive, award-winning rose is available now from Jackson & Perkins, and ships in Spring at the proper planting time for your zone.

Award-winning roses like this one are highly coveted. They always sell out quickly.

So don’t get left out, reserve yours today.

Greg Johnson
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