bridal shows

Bridal Shows In Milwaukee Usher In The New Year

Bridal Shows In Milwaukee Usher In The New Year

Christmas is by far the most popular time of the year to get engaged. Can you think of a better way to begin your wedding planning than by attending one of the many bridal shows in the Milwaukee area to kick off the new year?

If you live in southeastern Wisconsin, you won’t have to wait long to get started. Milwaukee will host its first bridal show of 2021 on Saturday, January 9th.

Wonderful World of Weddings

It’s the Wonderful World of Weddings bridal show at the Wisconsin State Fair Park Expo Center. Show hours are 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Two fashion shows will be held, one at Noon and the other at 2:30 PM.

If you’ve never attended the Wonderful World of Weddings bridal show, this video clip will give you a glimpse of what you can expect to see and do.

As you can see, this show is a goldmine of wedding planning information and entertainment. Be sure to check it out, you won’t be disappointed. Click here for more information on the Wonderful World of Weddings show.

Wisconsin Bridal & Wedding Expo

On Sunday, April 18, 2021, the Wisconsin Bridal & Wedding Expo will be held at the Wisconsin Center. This unique bridal show will include a Centerpiece & Table Pavilion, an event planning seminar, a live DJ demo, and interaction with some of the area’s top wedding professionals. A fashion show is scheduled at 4:00 PM.

Click here to get more information on the Wisconsin Bridal & Wedding Expo.

If you can’t make it to either of these shows, don’t worry. There are many more scheduled throughout the year in and around the Milwaukee area. You can get more information on the dates and times by checking out the Milwaukee Bridal Shows & Trunk Shows in Southeastern Wisconsin calendar.

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Greg and the team at Greenfield Flower Shop

bridal shows
Greg Johnson
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