decorate a wedding arch

7 Easy Ways to Decorate a Wedding Arch Yourself

If you are looking for some creative ways to decorate a wedding arch yourself, watch this video and see how it's done. It's easy when you know the secrets.

decorate a wedding arch

7 Easy Ways to Decorate a Wedding Arch Yourself

If you are looking for ideas you can use to decorate a wedding arch yourself, then this video is for you.

While this video is more of a compilation than a tutorial, you’ll still see what it takes to do floral design work like this.

So if you like “getting a peek behind the curtain”, you’ll want to take a look.

I’m really glad you took the time to watch the video, and I hope you got a lot out of it. As you can see, with time, a few tools, supplies and pre-planning, you can easily decorate a wedding arch that will really set the tone for this important day.

So, Ready To Get Started?

First off, when decorating a wedding arch, I recommend buying the flowers and greens in bulk. Why? Because you’ll be using a lot of them.

Trust me, buying in bulk will almost always save you money when doing this type of work. If you come up short, you can always fill in with flowers from your local florist.

If you need help with planning and budgeting for the flowers you’ll need, you can download this free worksheet.

All of the materials used in constructing the arches and arbors featured in the video can easily be sourced online.

You can find the flowers you’ll need at sites like GlobalRose, FlowerExplosion and BloomsbytheBox. These are the ones that I’m personally familiar with.

There are a couple of others that look good as well, like WholeBlossoms and BunchesDirect but I don’t have any personal experience with them.

The supplies you’ll need include floral foam, zip ties, and some fabric or tulle.

My go-to places for fabric by the yard are Walmart or JoAnn Fabrics. Both have multiple locations around this area.

You can pick up the Oasis® cages, garlands, or iglus on Amazon. You can also find zip ties there or at your local hardware store.

Lastly, if you plan on using silk flowers, you can find a terrific selection online at NearlyNatural, and at many craft websites such as Hobby Lobby and Michaels, or at your local florist.

One other bit of advice, if I may. When using silk flowers, I usually suggest staying with fresh foliages if possible. It will help to give your arch a more lifelike appearance.

I’m Happy You Stuck Around This Long

My name is Greg Johnson, the creator of FlowersFloralFlorist, and the reason this site exists is for you to be able to access some incredible floral design tutorials. That’s honestly my only mission with all of this.

Alright, so here comes the big ol’ “but”…

Look, right out of the gate, I’ve got something I need to tell you. I watch videos on topics like wedding decor (like the wedding arch tutorial you just finished watching) because I enjoy keeping up-to-date with what my peers are doing. I also wanted a site where I could share and comment on some of my favorites.

With that said, I saw a lot of opportunity in creating a site like this. Why lie?

I love sharing great content, and I certainly don’t mind earning sponsorship revenues and affiliate commissions either. But don’t get wrong here… selling you stuff isn’t my goal here.

If you see a product on this site that you think will help, that’s great! If you’re not interested, all’s still well. I just appreciate your readership.

So if you like what you see here, make this site one that you return to! I will continue sharing the best videos I find about plants, weddings, and flowers… and we’re just beginning!

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Til next time,

decorate a wedding arch
Greg Johnson
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