Designing A Flower Curtain – Tips And Techniques You Can Use
Here’s an excellent flower curtain instructional video from floral designer Hitomi Gilliam, who I think is one of the best floral instructors in the business.
If you’re looking for a cost-effective alternative to a flower wall, then I think you’ll love this video as much as I do.
Great floral designs begin with a solid foundation. In this video, Hitomi walks you through the mechanics of creating a reusable flower curtain.
Whether you are a seasoned veteran or a DIY designer, this on-point video addresses many of the questions that you may have about designing flower curtains.
She also shows you a few shortcuts to make your flower curtain project sail along!
Again, it’s a video I think you will really love, especially if you are a true floral design enthusiast. Watch it and see if you agree!
Well, did you enjoy the video? I really hope you did and you’ll want to give this a try.
If you’re into DIY or someone who can trade time for money, a flower curtain like this is a great-looking alternative to a flower wall. But there are pros and cons to a project like this.
Why a Flower Curtain is a Good Idea
- Flower curtains built like this are an easy project to do.
- They use far less floral material than a flower wall, making them far more cost-effective for weddings or special events.
- They are easy to set up and install. The width can be adjusted by adding or subtracting the number of garlands.
- They are reusable and not just for special events. It’s a versatile floral mechanic that can be used anywhere around your home.
I’ve used flower curtains as a backdrop for window and cooler displays in the shop. I’ve also used them to add color to several rooms at home too.
The Downside of Flower Curtains
In my opinion, here’s the biggest negative.
- Before you begin, understand that creating a flower curtain like this is labor-intensive.
Putting together the individual garlands needed is tedious work, although it gets faster and easier the more you do. But there is no “EASY” button you can push to get them done.
That’s the reason many of you won’t try this. It looks like too much work. Trust me. It’s really not that much work at all. And you will be amazed at what you can create!
Where You Can Find the Flowers And Floral Supplies You’ll Need
And while we’re on the subject, the supplies used in this video, including the Iglu dashes, bind wire, and water tubes, can easily be purchased online.
You can buy the flowers she used, including the Glorioso lilies and hanging amaranthus, online at Flower Explosion, BloomsbytheBox, and GlobalRose.
There are other online sources that you can check out too, but these are the only ones I’ve had experience with.
If your project is smaller and requires only a few high-quality flowers, I suggest buying them from your local florist. Always been my favorite choice.
You could also use silk flowers too. You can find a great selection online at sites like NearlyNatural or many craft sites such as HobbyLobby, or by ordering them through your local florist.
One quick tip, if I may. When using silk flowers, I suggest using fresh greens along with them. They will help to keep your designs looking more lifelike.
Thanks For Hanging With Me This Far
That said, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Greg Johnson, and I own Greenfield Flower Shop. I created this site to share some excellent floral arranging tutorials with visitors.
Okay, with that said, here comes the “but “…
So before we even get started, I’d like to get something off my chest. My personal needs are to thank for creating this site. See, I watch a lot of videos on floral design topics (like the flower curtain tutorial you just viewed), and I honestly just wanted a place where I could re-watch all of my favorites under one roof.
I also recognize a good opportunity when I see one. Just thought you might appreciate the truth.
I enjoy earning sponsorship revenues on the side as I share informative floral design tutorials with you. I hope you’re okay with that.
The point is this site does provide me with a small income. But let me put your mind at ease. Any possible monetary benefit is incidental, and I’m not here to sell you anything.
If you get the itch to buy anything from any of my sponsors, fantastic! If you’re not interested, then no worries. Your readership is what I’m really after.
Income or not, I want to share some of my favorite floral-related videos with other enthusiasts like you!
And that’s what this site is all about. It’s a place for people to come together and watch videos about floral design from some of the best floral designers in the business. Sound good? Great! It’d be great to have you back again soon.
I will continue sharing my favorite videos about flowers, plants, weddings, and other floral-related things.
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