halloween wedding

Love Never Dies : A Halloween Wedding to Remember

Love Never Dies : A Halloween Wedding to Remember

It’s not unusual for couples to plan their wedding around a favorite theme. But would you consider planning a full-blown Halloween wedding?

Apparently, one couple was inspired to do just that after seeing Tim Burton’s movie, The Corpse Bride.

Mixing the romance of a traditional wedding with the black magic of Halloween, this couple went all out to give their family and friends a “frightfully” good time, turning their wedding reception into an event they’ll never forget.

While watching this video, one thing I noticed immediately was the attention to detail that this couple paid to planning all the decor for this truly unique wedding reception. I thought it was so good, it was scary!

Check it out for yourself, I think you’ll agree.

All finished!

I trust that watching that was enjoyable, and you came away with a few ideas you can use. I know I did.

You may have noticed in the video some of the items that were used in the reception table centerpieces. They included a lot of miniature pumpkins and preserved oak leaves, both of which are great accents. Especially when you add votive candles.

You can find inexpensive miniature pumpkins at local farmer’s markets and grocery stores. These are where I usually buy mine.

Preserved oak leaves can be found at most craft and hobby stores like Michaels and Hobby Lobby. Depending on how many you need, you might also check your local florist.

One quick bit of advice, if I may. If you are using preserved foliages, I suggest the Knud Neilsen brand. They provide high-quality preserved foliages and dried materials widely used by professional florists. It’s what we use in our shop.

As for votive candles, you can do either regular wax or flameless votives. I suggest using flameless votive candles. Less heat, less mess, and no fire hazard.

You can find a ton of flameless votive candles and tealights on Amazon and eBay.

I want to welcome you to our video website. I’m Greg, the owner of Greenfield Flower Shop. I went ahead and compiled lots of pretty incredible videos for you here, all of which are focused around flowers and floral and event design.

Here’s the big “but”…

Okay, right off the bat, I’ve got something I need to say. At first, I intended to keep this site private. Just for myself and my staff.

See, I love designing for weddings and events, so videos (like the “Halloween Wedding to Remember” presentation you just enjoyed) have become part of our shop’s “reference library”, so to speak.

But I’m also a bit of an opportunist. I’m just “keepin’ it real” with you.

If I have the ability to put together an awesome blog that others enjoy half as much as I do, and perhaps even make a little cash with it, then I really don’t feel the least bit bad about it see a problem. So that’s why I decided to share the site with others to enjoy and learn from.

I’m a pretty straightforward person if you couldn’t tell. Still… hitting you over the head with sales pitches is not why I’m here.

If anything from any of my sponsors interests you, that’s fantastic! But if that’s not the case, I won’t lose any sleep. I’m just glad that you’re here.

Whether I make a penny or not, I just wanna share some of my favorite wedding and event design videos with good people like you!

And that explains the existence of FlowersFloralFlorist. It’s just a place for cool people to come together and watch floral arranging tutorials. If that sounds like something you can appreciate, then I’d love to see you again.

So please keep comin’ back! I’ll keep sharing useful videos that I run across. Things like floral design tutorials, wedding flower design, and even some unique plant ideas… and the list goes on and on!

Stay informed…

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To you,



halloween wedding
Greg Johnson
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