succulent plants

7 Easy-To-Grow Indoor Succulent Plants

Last Updated on December 29, 2024

assorted succulent plants

7 Succulent Plants That You Can Easily Grow Indoors

Succulent plants are an easy and very trendy way to bring a little life and beauty to any home or office space.

The reason succulents are so popular is that they are so darn easy to take care of. And they do well indoors with minimal attention.

That’s pretty important with today’s active lifestyles.

We came across a cool infographic that features seven easy-to-grow indoor succulent plants, including aloe, jade, Christmas cactus, and a crown of thorns plant.

Each of these plants is a great choice for any indoor gardener to start out with – no green thumb required.

This infographic gives some simple care tips that will keep these succulents happy and healthy year-round. Check it out to learn more.

Easy-to-grow indoor succulentsInfographic by Quill

Did you enjoy the infographic? I hope so!

And while we’re on the topic, succulent plants can be found almost everywhere these days. Local florists, grocers, garden centers, and nurseries all carry them.

But since succulents are easy to ship, it’s just as easy to get them online as well. You can find awesome selections of succulents as well as some hard-to-find varieties at sites like Leaf & Clay, Succulents Box, Planet Desert, and The Succulent Source.

You can also buy them on Amazon, Walmart, Lowes, and Home Depot. They all have top-notch selections online.

If you live near one of the big-box stores I mentioned, you could also stop in and check out their selection. I’ve seen them year-round in their garden center or plant areas.

With that said…

Allow me to welcome you to my website. It’s an honor to have you here.

My name is Greg Johnson and I’m the owner of Greenfield Flower Shop. If you’re interested, you can find more about me on this page.

The reason this blog exists is for you to be able to access a lot of useful information about flowers and plants. Nothing more to it than that.

Alright, here’s the “but”…

Okay, so right out of the gate, an admission is in order. Truthfully, my own selfish needs are really what prompted me to create this site.

See, I love sharing helpful information (like the infographic on succulent plants you just viewed), but I don’t have enough time to personally answer all the questions I get asked.

So a cool site where I could do that is really what I was after.

But I’m also an unapologetic opportunist. Just thought you might appreciate some straight talk.

If I’ve got the ability to build a fun and useful site that other people find as interesting as I do and make a little cash in the process, then I personally don’t see anything to feel bad about.

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I’m not one to pull punches. Any possible monetary benefit is incidental. I’m not here to sell you anything.

If my sponsors happen to entice you with their offers, that’d be great! If you’re not interested, then we’ll still be friends. Your readership is what I’m really after.

Income or no, I just like to share great information with good people like you!

It’s for this reason that I created this blog. It’s just an information site for those who are into flowers and plants. I hope you can appreciate that. If so, I’d love to see you here again.

So join me again any time you feel like it! I’ll continue to share fantastic stuff about weddings, flowers, and plants… among other things.

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And as always, reading the thoughts and opinions of my visitors really drives me to continue posting to this blog. So tell me what you thought of the succulent plant infographic in the comments section below.

My best to you,

Greg and the team at Greenfield Flower Shop

succulent plants
Greg Johnson
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