How To Make A Cascading Calla Lily Bridal Bouquet

How To Make A Cascading Calla Lily Bridal Bouquet

If you’re serious about making your own calla lily bridal bouquet, you’re in the right place. Simply follow the step-by-step guide presented in this video by Flower Joos.

It will walk you through how to put together a beautiful cascading calla lily bridal bouquet, even if you’ve never attempted to arrange a bouquet like this yourself before.

Whether you are a seasoned pro or novice floral designer, this on-point video addresses many of the concerns that you might have about creating a hand-tied calla lily bridal bouquet like this.

It even contained a couple of shortcuts that surprised me!

I think you’ll really find this video interesting, especially if you are the hands-on type when it comes to working with flowers. Watch and see if you agree.

I hope you found this video useful and want to follow the steps shown to create a simple, yet elegant calla lily bouquet like this one.

All of the flowers and greens used in this bridal bouquet, including the calla lilies, eucalyptus, asparagus fern and aspidistra leaf can readily be bought online at wholesale flower sites like FlowerExplosion, BloomsbytheBox and GlobalRose, in addition to your local florist too.

If you plan on using silk flowers, you can find them online at HobbyLobby, or by ordering them through your local florist.

One quick bit of advice, if I may. If you do plan on using silk flowers, I always suggest combining them with fresh foliage whenever possible, as it will keep your bridal bouquet appearing more life-like.

Now, with that being said, let me tell you a little about myself.

My name is Greg Johnson, the owner of Greenfield Flower Shop, and the one who created this blog. The reason this ever-growing resource exists is for you to be able to access some incredible (IMHO) flower arranging tutorials. Not really more to say than that.

There’s a “but”…

Okay, before we continue, I’ve got something I need to say. In all reality, I really put together this video blog for myself. See, I’m always watching floral design videos (like the calla lily bridal bouquet video you just finished viewing), and a cool site on which I could re-watch and share some my favorite videos is really what I was after.

I also have the ability to recognize a good opportunity when I see one. I’m just being honest.

Hopefully, you won’t hold it against me if I’m able to generate a little side income from sponsorships and/or product recommendations.

The point is, this site does provide me with a small income. Even so… any possible monetary benefit is incidental, and I’m not here to sell you anything. If my sponsors happen to entice you with their offers, then I’d be super grateful! If this isn’t the case, it’s all good. You just being here is good enough for me.

Income or no, I just wanna share wedding flower design videos with good people like you!

And that’s what FlowersFloralFlorist is. It’s basically just a site for those who are passionate about flowers. I hope you can appreciate that. If so, I’d love to see you here again.

So don’t be a stranger! I will keep sharing more and more high-quality content in the areas of wedding flowers, flower arranging, home decor ideas… and so on and so forth.

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Til next time,

Greg Johnson
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