
Terrariums – Easy Ways To Create Striking Indoor Gardens

Terrariums – Easy Ways To Create Striking Indoor Gardens

You’ve probably heard the saying “What goes around, comes around”. That’s certainly the case with terrariums.

Back in the ’70’s, terrariums were all the rage. But that trend ran its course.

Time-strapped consumers still loved green plants but wanted plants that were easier to care for. The enthusiasm for terrariums began to wear off.

Fast forward to today, and you’ll see that terrariums are enjoying a resurgence. They have become a hot trend once again.

I believe it’s due in part to more choices in the varieties, as well as the quality of the plants that are available today, as well as some of the very creative decorative accessories that are available as well.

This quick video explores a bit of the history of terrariums and shows you how to easily make one, even if you’ve never tried to make one before.

I think you’ll truly enjoy this vid, especially if you are the hands-on type. Watch it and see if you agree with me.

Good stuff, don’t you think? I thought so! If you’re itching to try your hand at making a terrarium, here’s the good news.

Finding the plants and supplies you’ll need is easier today than ever before.

Many local florists, garden centers, and hobby shops carry a variety of terrarium containers, plants, soil and other supplies you will need.

Many also have a great selection of decorative accessories to add the perfect finishing touch.

That said, you still should take a few minutes and check out what’s available online before wasting time and money running from store to
store You can also shop the entire catalog of more than 200 terrarium plants, containers and supplies here.

Allow me to thank you for visiting this site. I’m Greg Johnson, and my intention for having constructed this website is to share a number of information-packed videos from lots of my go-to colleagues and friends in the floral business. That’s really my only objective with this website.

Now here comes the big ol’ “but”…

Okay, right out of the gate, I really need to clear the air. Honestly, my own selfish needs are really what led to the creation of this site. I absolutely love DIY tutorials (like the video about terrariums you just got done viewing), and a cool site where I could watch and share my favorite videos is really what I was after.

I also see this site as a decent financial opportunity as well. I’m just being honest.

I don’t see anything wrong with earning a little money from sponsorships and floral-related product recommendations. I hope you don’t either.

The point is, this site does provide me with a small income. That said… Sales pitches suck, they’re not my style, and making money is not my key motivator for running this blog. If you see a product on this site that you think will help, I’d be super grateful! But if not, it’s all good. Your readership is what I’m really after.

I just want you and I to be able to check out some cool DIY floral videos together!

So that’s why FlowersFloralFlorist exists. It’s pretty much just a site for those who are interested in flowers and plants. If you appreciate that, awesome! I hope to see you again.

So keep in touch! I will keep sharing more and cooler videos about flowers, plants, and DIY tutorials… among lots of other things.

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And as a final note, I love reading your comments. So please do use the comments section below to let me know what you thought of the href=”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrarium” rel=”noopener” >terrarium video!

Best wishes,

Greg and the Greenfield Flower Shop team

Greg Johnson
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