How to Make a Fabulous DIY Floral Dog Collar For Your Furry Friend
Want to show your favorite furry friends some love? Why not make a floral dog collar for them. It’s a fun and easy DIY project.
Learn how to create your own floral dog collar, by following the simple steps in this video tutorial.
Not only will it make your pet look special, but this floral collar will also show off your creativity.
I think you’ll like this tutorial. Check it out and see.
I really hope you enjoyed that… and are super excited about giving it a try. And don’t forget that this same basic technique can be used when making flower crowns as well.
No matter your level of floral design experience, this technique is definitely one you should know how to do.
And while we’re on the subject, the sweet peas used to make this floral dog collar can be purchased online at sites like FlowerExplosion, BloomsbytheBox and GlobalRose, or from your local florist. Always my first choice!
If you want to make your collar in advance, you could use silk flowers instead. You can find a high quality selection online at NearlyNatural, and at many craft websites like Michaels and Hobby Lobby, or even at DollarTree.
If you use silk flowers, you might want to add a silk bloom or two into your attendant’s bouquets (or your bridal bouquet) as well, to help tie all your bridal party flowers together.
If you need a little more inspiration, here are a few more examples of floral dog collars we like as well.
Source: Oh Best Day Ever
I hope you liked those pics. My name is Greg Johnson. I’m the owner of Greenfield Flower Shop and the guy behind I actually curated lots of amazing videos for you right here on this site, most of which are focused on floral design. That’s really my reason for starting this blog.
But before we even begin, a confession is in order. The truth is, my own selfish needs are really what motivated me to create this site. See, I love to watch floral design tutorials (like the floral dog collar video you just saw), and I honestly just wanted a place where I could re-watch all of my favorites again.
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