How to Prepare and Use Poinsettias as Cut Flowers

Last Updated on November 17, 2022

You can use poinsettias blooms like cut flowers if they are properly prepared beforehand. Learn the secret the pros use here.

Every holiday season, I get questions about using poinsettias as cut flowers.

Poinsettias are not grown for commercial cut flower use, but the colorful bracts can be removed from a poinsettia plant and used just like any cut flower.

Before using a poinsettia as a cut flower, the stem needs to be properly sealed. Once you do that, you can use poinsettias like any other cut flower.

This video clip will show you how to seal poinsettia stems before using them in a floral arrangement.

Now that you’ve seen how to prepare a poinsettia bract for cut flower use, I’ll bet you’re itching to try it yourself.

Most designers, even some experienced ones, rarely, if ever, use poinsettias in their design work.

It’s likely because it does take a bit of preparation and forethought before you can successfully use them. But it’s definitely worth the extra effort.

Before you start, I also wanted to let you know about this alternative.

Another Preparation Method You Can Use

You can use an alternative to treat a cut poinsettia bract: spray denatured alcohol on any cuts or tears oozing milky sap, including the leaves.

The denatured alcohol seals the cuts without blocking water absorption.

Once sprayed, place the bract in plain water with no preservative at room temperature for 24 hours.

If the flower is still fresh and turgid, that poinsettia bloom will last a long time, either in water or floral foam.

You’ll probably know within an hour or two whether your poinsettia is wilting, so you’ll need to recut and seal it again.

But I strongly recommend waiting at least 24 hours before using them.

I’ve sealed poinsettia stems using denatured alcohol and searing them with a flame, and have had them last for up to two weeks in water.

I prefer to seal them using a candle flame, but that’s because it’s faster and more convenient for me.

Remember that if you need to recut them, you must go through the sealing process again. I usually cut them to the length I need before I use them.

Ways To Display Your Cut Poinsettia Blooms

Poinsettia blooms can be used in all types of floral design work. Because of their size and star-shaped appearance, they make a fabulous focal flower in any floral design.

It’s best to use them where they will impact the arrangement most. A case of “less is more.”

Around the home, they can be used in seasonal vase arrangements and bud vases, holiday centerpieces, and seasonal tablescapes.

You can place them in water tubes and insert them into indoor wreaths and garlands.

We’ve also used them in sympathy flower designs and, yes, even in wedding bouquets!

Here’s a pic of a cut poinsettia bloom that we floated in a shallow dish accented with sprigs of balsam and gold ribbon. The bract shown is five days old!

floating poinsettia

How To Care For Cut Poinsettias

Once they are prepped and ready for use, cut poinsettia stems require the same care as other fresh flowers.

Ensure the water level is adequate in the container you’re using, and any leaves below the water level are removed.

Floral preservatives should also be used, according to directions.

Are Cut Poinsettias Flowers Poisonous?

This is a myth that needs to be laid to rest. Poinsettias are not poisonous to people or pets if ingested, but an upset stomach might result if consumed in large quantities.

For some, the milky sap may cause skin irritation.

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Til next time,

use poinsettias as cut flowers
use poinsettias as cut flowers
Greg Johnson
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