Learn how easy it is to create fabulous submerged flower arrangements, especially following these steps. Watch and see.
This short video walks you through the steps it takes to make some simple, yet fabulous submerged flower arrangements, even if you have never attempted to put one together yourself before.
If you’re a newbie, this short DIY video will answer a lot of the most frequently asked questions that we hear about submerged flower design.
We think you are going to truly enjoy this vid, especially if you are a do-it-yourself floral designer. Check it out and see if you agree.
I very much hope you liked the tutorial. Pretty simple if you know the secrets, don’t you think?
If you’re looking for flower arranging frogs, they can be found on Amazon and eBay, as well as Walmart.
They come in a lot of different sizes, so make sure to get one that fits the container and the number of flowers you’re using.
That said, let me introduce myself.
I’m Greg Johnson. I’m the owner of Greenfield Flower Shop and the creator of this website. The reason this site exists is for you to be able to access a bunch of incredible floral how-to videos, tips, and tricks. Not much more to say than that.
With that said, this isn’t what I originally had in mind…
Admittedly, my own selfish needs are really what prompted me to create this site.
I tend to bookmark a lot of floral arranging tutorials (like the “How to Create Submerged Flower Arrangements” video you just finished watching), and I honestly just wanted a place where I could share and comment on all of my favorites in one place.
I also recognize a good opportunity when I see one. Why not just be honest, right?
I love sharing great content, and I also enjoy earning sponsorship revenues and affiliate commissions… hopefully, you don’t see anything wrong with that.
It’s a wonderful world we’re living in where we can get paid for sharing our passions. I like to take full advantage.
But don’t get me wrong. Any monetary benefit is incidental. I’m not here to sell you anything.
If anything from any of my sponsors interests you, that’d be awesome!
If you’re simply not interested, all is still well. I just appreciate your readership.
That’s what FlowersFloralFlorist is all about. It’s merely a floral tutorial site for those of you who like me, are into floral design. I hope you can appreciate that. If so, don’t be a stranger!
I’ll continue to keep sharing tons of cool videos about weddings, plants and flowers… and much more.
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Til next time,