holiday gift wrapping

Master The Art Of Holiday Gift Wrapping With These Tips

Holiday gift wrapping is both an art and a valuable skill. Learn how you can become a gift wrapping ninja using these simple tips.

holiday gift wrapping

With the holidays approaching, I thought you might enjoy this holiday gift-wrapping video tutorial.

Decorative gift wrapping is an art and a valuable skill set to add to your floral design arsenal. Besides that, it’s just plain fun.

Watch and see. I think you’ll agree too!

I hope you enjoyed that… and can’t wait to put some of these tips to the test. And speaking of holiday gift wrapping…

Here’s Where to Find All the Gift-Wrapping Materials You’ll Need.

Ribbon and gift-wrapping supplies can be found almost everywhere. Trust me, you won’t have to look very hard or long to find everything and anything you need.

Start by looking at all the things you might already have around. Jay’s techniques are perfect for using up those odds and ends. If you are starting from scratch, local craft stores like Michaels and Hobby Lobby are places I usually visit for fancier ribbons and package decor items.

Places like Walmart and Dollar Tree are treasure troves of inexpensive gift-wrapping items and accessories.

Because so many outlets today carry gift-wrapping supplies, there’s really no need to make a special trip to get what you need. In fact, if you’re an Amazon Prime member like me, you don’t even have to leave the house to find any gift-wrapping item you’ll ever need.

Check with your local florist if you don’t want to do it yourself. Many of them offer gift-wrapping services. Not to mention, they have the ability to add a few high-quality flowers to make your gift extra special. It’s definitely worth checking into!

My name is Greg, and I’m the person responsible for this website. I’m also a 40+ year veteran of the floral industry and the owner of Greenfield Flower Shop.

The reason I started this resource was to be able to share some pretty informative (IMHO) video tutorials from some of my colleagues in the floral industry.

But, right out of the gate, I must admit to something. My own selfish motives really prompted me to create this site.

You see, I enjoy videos about simple DIY projects (like the holiday gift-wrapping presentation you just saw), and a place where I could watch and share my favorites is really what I was after.

But I’m also an opportunist. I love sharing helpful content but also enjoy earning sponsorship revenues and affiliate commissions for my work. Hopefully, you don’t see anything wrong with that.

I’m also a pretty straightforward person if you couldn’t tell. But I assure you… In no way is it my intention to sell you anything.

If something being offered on my site appeals to you, that’s cool! If you’re not interested, no problem. I appreciate you taking a few minutes to check out the site.

The truth is, I’m very passionate about all things flowers and sharing my passion with like-minded people like you.

And that’s the purpose that this site serves. It’s simply an “all under one roof” resource for myself and others interested in expanding their knowledge of floral design.

If you appreciate that, then I hope you’ll visit again soon! I’ll keep curating and sharing more informative videos that cover weddings, flowers, plants… and so much more!

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Lastly, if you enjoyed the video. please share this post via one of the social share buttons below.

Happy wrapping, and…

Til next time,

Greg Johnson
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