Last Updated on December 29, 2024
Kalanchoes are lush blooming plants that are easy to grow and a snap to maintain, especially if you follow these tips.
Apply This Advice To Improve Kalanchoe Care
With the popularity of easy-to-care-for indoor plants, I thought I would share some tips and advice about caring for one of my favorite blooming varieties, the kalanchoe plant.
Kalanchoes, which are part of the Crassula family (think jade plant), are very easy plants to grow and maintain. The “blossfeldiana” or “florist” kalanchoe is the most popular and recognizable variety. You may also have heard it called “Flaming Katy”.
It’s a prolific bloomer easily identified by its wax-like leaves with scalloped edges. Its flowers come in a wide range of colors, including white, red, pink, lavender, orange, yellow, and green.
This short video excerpt walks you through how easy it is to care for kalanchoes. Once you watch it, I think you’ll have a newfound appreciation for these flowering beauties.
With today’s busy lifestyles, it’s easy to see why these “florist” kalanchoes are a trendy choice for both indoor and outdoor use. They are easy to grow and a snap to maintain.
In my area of the upper Midwest, they will not survive the winter outdoors. The good news is that they can be easily grown indoors and moved outdoors when the weather cooperates.
Our growers typically have these available year-round, but they
bloom the best in the winter months, when the daylight hours are shorter.
4 Simple Tips To Grow and Maintain Kalanchoes Indoors
- Although kalanchoes “blossfeldiana” can tolerate almost any type of light condition, they do best when placed in a bright area near a sunny window.
Bright light helps to maintain vibrant flower colors. Pale or washed-out flowers are a sure sign that the plant needs more light. - You should keep the soil on the dry side. Water thoroughly when the soil surface is dry to the touch, and be sure the container they are potted in drains well. Never let the plant stand in water.
- Kalanchoes prefer moderate temperatures, 60°-70°F (18°-21°C) during the daytime, and 50°-60°F (15°-18°C) at night. Avoid excessively hot or cold areas.
- Fertilize occasionally, according to manufacturer’s directions, beginning two to three weeks after purchasing or receiving it.
Propagating Kalanchoes
Propagating kalanchoes is super simple. The easiest way to do it is from cuttings.
Cut off a piece of a healthy stem just below a node. You’ll need about a 4-inch length of stem or so.
Remove any leaves from the lower half of the cutting.
Allow the cut to dry or callous over (usually 3 to 5 days). Once calloused over, dip the calloused end in rooting hormone. Rooting hormone promotes quicker root growth.
Then plant in a pot with light, moist well-draining succulent potting soil mix.
In about three weeks, your cuttings will have established roots. Once you start to see new growth, you can begin caring for it using the four steps outlined above.
Kalanchoes can take a lot of abuse, so don’t worry if you don’t do everything by the book. Watch this video clip, and you’ll see what I mean.
As you just saw, propagating kalanchoes is pretty much a no-brainer, no matter what shade of green your thumb is.
Where To Buy Kalanchoe Plants
“Florist” kalanchoes are widely available, which means you’ll find them in all kinds of retailers that sell flowers and plants, from supermarkets to drug stores and big-box stores.
But in my opinion, the best place to look for kalanchoes is at a local garden center, greenhouse, or florist, for a couple of reasons.
- You know your are buying a healthy, well-cared for plant
- They are very knowledgeable about the plants they sell
- Lastly,if they don’t have any available, they will usually have a reputable source or two they can direct you to.
To me, those benefits are worth a couple of extra bucks.
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