wedding planning books

Plan Your Wedding By The Book – For a Fraction of the Cost Of Hiring A Pro

Planning tips and advice from top wedding pros are just a few clicks away. Here's where you'll find them.

wedding planning books

The Secret To Planning Your Wedding With Help From The Pros – And Pocketing The Savings

If you are planning a wedding, your first step should be to seek the advice of wedding industry professionals for guidance – people whose livelihood depends on producing successful results.

If it’s in your budget, I always recommend using the services of wedding professionals. But I also realize that for many couples, that may not be possible.

If it’s not in your budget or you enjoy doing things yourself, the easiest and most inexpensive way to get great advice is to read and observe what the experts do.

Often, planning a wedding can be reduced to simple steps. While creativity and inspiration factor in, there is nothing like being able to look over the shoulder of someone who does it for a living.

Books are one of the best and inexpensive ways to do this. Nearly every recognized wedding industry expert is a published author as well.

Since wedding planning is a timeless topic, it makes sense for wedding planning experts to publish a book. They serve to showcase their expertise to a broader audience and teach others how to do it.

What Type Of Wedding Planning Advice Do You Need?

The best thing about recent wedding books is how nuanced they have become. You can find books that provide planning advice, ideas, inspiration for your ceremony, wedding etiquette, flowers, gowns, and more.

It seems you can find something written about every facet of wedding planning imaginable.

There are books that help you stay focused on your wedding plans by providing calendars, timelines, worksheets, and checklists.

I’ve mentioned several of my favorite wedding planning books on this blog. Many of these I still refer back to this day. I’m a big proponent of learning from the best; you should be too.

Here is a current list of the top-selling wedding books, some that are available for pennies on the dollar. Many of them can be downloaded instantly.

If you’re looking for the best and most up-to-date advice, tips, and tricks for planning a wedding from the best wedding pros in the business, this would be a great place to start.

The books on this list contain some of the best inspiration, tips, and advice you’ll find when planning a wedding.

And at today’s book prices, getting the professional wedding planning advice you need doesn’t get any more affordable.

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Til next time,

Greg Johnson
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