ultimate wedding lookbook

The Ultimate Wedding Lookbook – Wedding Ideas for Every Bride

The Ultimate Wedding Lookbook – Wedding Ideas for Every Bride

A few years back, Carley Roney and her staff of editors at The Knot released a book entitled “The Ultimate Wedding Lookbook”.

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m a junkie when it comes to adding timeless, high-quality wedding flower resources to my library. And this book is one of them.

It’s a compilation of wedding ideas and advice The Knot has gathered over the years, designed to inspire and help guide newly engaged couples through the wedding planning process.

I personally think any couple planning a wedding should check it out. I think you’ll like it as much as I do.

But please don’t just take my word for it, check some of the reviews below.

Ultimate Wedding Lookbook

There are several reasons I like this book.

It’s a great first step for couples looking to define their style and narrow their choices.

The book offers a lot of solid advice about wedding flowers (which is what I look for), as well as often-overlooked details such as properly stocking the bar.

But that’s just the beginning.

The Ultimate Wedding Lookbook is filled with tons of great wedding ideas, advice, tips and other helpful information designed to help smooth the wedding planning process.

Not to mention the more than 1,000 photos the book contains.

If you are in need of some serious wedding inspiration, this book will certainly not disappoint. I think it’s destined to become one of the most appreciated engagement gifts you could ever buy.

It has definitely found a prominent place in my wedding book collection.

Published by Clarkson Potter, the Ultimate Wedding Lookbook and can be found for less than $40 in hardcover on Amazon.

Although this book raises the bar when it comes to fabulous wedding ideas, is not the only great read out there. Check out the list of the ten best-selling wedding books here.

If you have other favorite books and resources you would like to share with our readers, I would love to hear from you.

ultimate wedding lookbook
Greg Johnson
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