hanging floral installation

How To Plan And Create A Stunning Hanging Floral Installation

Ever wonder what it takes to plan and create a stunning hanging floral installation? This video walks you through each step of the process. Watch and see.

hanging floral installation

They look fantastic and are extremely trendy today, but did you ever wonder what it really takes to create a hanging floral installation for a wedding or special event?

If so, then this video is for you.

In it, event designer Shean Strong walks you through the steps it takes to make a gorgeous hanging floral installation and gives you a good idea of what goes into the process.

Shawn also shows you several insider design tips that you may not have seen before.

Whether you are a seasoned veteran or newbie DIY floral designer, it’s a useful video I think you’re going to really love, especially if you are faced with the challenge of designing a creative hanging floral installation for your event.

Watch it and see if you agree with me!

I really hope you enjoyed the video, and you now have a better idea of what it really takes to put together a gorgeous hanging floral installation like this one.

You might even want to give this a try yourself. Having personally done several of these myself, I can tell you that they are a lot of fun to do. But I have to caution you, you will use a lot of flowers and greens, so be prepared.

Where You Can Buy Bulk Flowers Online

And while we’re on the topic, most of the greens that Shean used in this hanging floral installation can be purchased in bulk online.

You can buy them at FlowerExplosion, BloomsbytheBox and GlobalRose. These 3 are the ones that I’ve had personal experience with.

There are others that look really good as well, like WholeBlossoms and BunchesDirect, but I have no personal experience with them.

Some of the flowers used in the video are seasonal, so if they are not available, I would not hesitate to substitute others in your color palette.

If you want to substitute or add some silk flowers, you can find a terrific selection online at sites like NearlyNatural, and at many craft sites like Michaels and Hobby Lobby, or by ordering them through your local florist, like myself.

Oh yeah, let me introduce myself. My name is Greg Johnson. I’m the founder of this blog and a retail florist and shop owner for more than forty years.

My purpose here is to share a whole lot of truly amazing floral design tutorials with you. Honestly. It’s why I’m here now.

“But” alert…

Okay, before we continue, I should really make an admission. In truth, my own selfish needs are really what led to the creation of this site.

See, I enjoy watching floral design videos (like the hanging floral installation vid you just finished watching) from some of the top pros in the floral industry.

And I honestly just wanted a place where I could re-watch and sharing my favorites with others from under one roof.

With that said, I see a lot of opportunity in creating this site. I just want to be transparent here.

Personally, I don’t see anything wrong with earning a little money from sponsorships and product recommendations. I hope you don’t either.

I’m a pretty straightforward person if you couldn’t tell.

But allow me to assure you… Sales pitches suck, they’re not my style, and making money is not my key motivator for running this blog.

If my sponsors happen to entice you with their offers, that’s great! But if you’re not interested, absolutely no worries. I just appreciate your readership.

Income or no, I just wanna share some awesome floral design tutorials with good people like you!

And that’s the purpose that FlowersFloralFlorist serves. It’s essentially a place for people who care about all facets of floral design to get together and watch some cool videos.

Sound good? Great! It’d be terrific to have you over again some time.

So come on back! I’ll just keep sharing incredible videos covering topics like weddings, flowers, and plants… and so on and so forth.

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And finally, if you liked the video, please share this post via one of the social share buttons below.

It was great having you here!

Til Next time,

hanging floral installation
Greg Johnson
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